"I tell you the truth," Jesus answered, "before Abraham was born, I am!" (John 8:58)

Behold The Man!

Then Pilate therefore took Jesus, and scourged him. And the soldiers platted a crown of thorns, and put it on his head, and they put on him a purple robe, And said, Hail, King of the Jews! and they smote him with their hands. Pilate therefore went forth again, and saith unto them, Behold, I bring him forth to you, that ye may know that I find no fault in him. Then came Jesus forth, wearing the crown of thorns, and the purple robe. And Pilate saith unto them, "Behold the man"! (John 19:1-5 KJV)

Krystal Meyers - The Beauty of Grace



Hosea 1:1-10, 2:1; Hosea 3:1-5 and 2 Timothy 2:11-13

Sunday's lesson teaches us about God's loving discipline and also, what our immediate response should be to his instruction. In these passages we find Hosea being asked by God to do something that seems so strange and outrageous to us. What really sticks out to me is Hosea's faithfulness and obedience. That's what it comes down to. Will we obey? Too often we chose to offer up penance, gifts, tithes or good works--God doesn't need any of these! He wants our obedience! Christ obeyed and it led Him all the way to the cross! Romans 12:1 tells us to offer ourselves as "living sacrifices." I think that's what Hosea did--nothing held back--even though it must have caused him great pain and made him of no reputation among the people. A perfect picture of our Risen Lord!

Once again, we find the Hebrew children in rebellion against a living and jealous God--practicing a religious mix of Jewish rituals and pagan idolatry. There was great prosperity in the land, but God showed Hosea that the nation and the people were rotting--from the inside out. Government was corrupt, there was no pure religion, no godly homes, no personal integrity. Murder, idolatry and immorality were rampant! God was crying out to His children, but no one was listening! God was forced to resort to using a "picture sermon" to get their attention.

1. What was the prophet Hosea asked to do? What was God trying to show the people through this bizarre union? God has often called upon his prophets (or spokespersons) to behave in rather unusual ways. Read Ezekiel 5:1; 24:15-18; Jeremiah 27:1-2 and Isaiah 20:2-3.
2. Think of a situation where God used or allowed difficult circumstances (perhaps as the result of your own actions) to draw you back to Himself. When were you able to recognize this situation as God working in your life--immediately? If this is not too painful, please be ready to share.
3. From these passages in Hosea, would you say that God ignores personal or national rebellion or sin? Does God always immediately respond? Explain.
4. Using the 10 Commandments as a guideline, God has clearly set "boundaries" for His people. Consider your reasoning in setting boundaries for yourself or your family--are these boundaries just "unreasonable restrictions" or are they based on wisdom, sound judgment and love--sometimes tough love?
5. God clearly outlines how His people had stepped out of bounds. See Hosea 4. What does He say is their sins?
6. Carefully read verses from Chapter 1:3, 6, 8. Would you say that all these children were Hosea's? What is your reason for your response?
7. Jezreel-(Means God Sows) Here He sows judgment and violence!
Lo-Ruhamah--Not Loved - Israel's enemies would prevail because God's children would not repent!
Lo-Ammi--Not my people - God would reject them because they had rejected Him!
Tough names for Gomer's children. As Gomer's adultery progresses--so does God's judgment!
8. God clearly sees Himself as "married" to Israel. This is the same illustration Christ uses in calling the church His "bride." Since God is all knowing--He, like Hosea, "married" His bride "knowing" she would be unfaithful. While God will judge, 1:10-2:1 speak of God's unfailing love and offers hope to His wayward "bride." What are God's promises to His children? Do you see Israel having any part or taking any action in this promise? Can you see this being fulfilled in Israel today?
9. Chapter 3:1-5 finds Gomer standing on a slave auction block waiting to be sold to the highest bidder! Hosea is told to buy back--redeem, his wife. Fast forward to today. How can we relate to Gomer. Who is Hosea a picture of for us today? At what price are we or were we "brought back?" (Take time to read Isaiah 53 to see what it cost Christ!)
10. Do you see any signs of any repentance or remorse in Gomer? Anything to warrant Hosea's belief that she would be faithful? Was she perfect when he purchased her freedom? What does that tell you about God's love for you personally?
11. Do you think Gomer was grateful? How do you express your gratitude to God for all He has done for you?
12. Hosea 1:10-2:1 tells us there will come a time when God's children will be given new names:
Jezreel--(God Sows) God will again plant his people in His land!
Ammi--My People!
Ruhamah--The ones I love!

Talk about God's mercy and grace!
13. Hosea 3:3-5 tells Israel that they will be a long time without a king, prince--without sacrifices, temple, priests or even idols. Can you see this being fulfilled in Israel today? What does verse 5 promise and how will this be fulfilled?
14. I love 2 Timothy 2:13! "If we are not faithful, He remains Faithful, because He cannot be false to Himself." I have made many promises to God, yet I have not always been faithful--still, He loves and forgives me! God, though His Word, has made many promises to me and not one of them has failed, not one! How do these verses reassure you that God is trustworthy and that your salvation is sure and safe? Glory!
15. What a beautiful picture God is giving us in story of Hosea's marriage to Gomer! Know that God never sends judgment without first warning His children and He always gives ample room for them to repent and turn back to Him. The same is true today. We, too, commit spiritual adultery. Are we immune to God's judgment and/or discipline in this great period of mercy and grace? Remember, God disciplines those He loves! What might be some examples of this happening today?

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