John 1:10-13; John 3:1-4
1) From the prophetic writings of the Old Testament, the Israelites were eagerly anticipating the arrival of their Messiah, the Christ—their Savior! Yet, verse 10-11 states that when He finally came to the earth, they were unable to recognize or accept Him. Why?
a) Compare the following passages:
i) Isaiah 53
ii) 2 Samuel 7:16, especially verse 16; Psalms 89:20-37
2) Can you imagine how this rejection grieved the heart of Jesus—even to this day? He was offering them life—His very own (Matthew 23:37-39!)
3) As you read in the above passage, Israel was no stranger to rejecting, and/or killing those that God sent to warn them and lead them into righteousness. God often referred to them as a “stiff-necked people” (Exodus 32:9; Exodus 33:1-5; Deuteronomy 9:5-7; and Deuteronomy 9:13) Based on these passages, what would you say was the primary motive behind their rejection?
a) What does 1 Samuel 15:23 equate rebellion to?
i) Oh, child of God, our rebellion always comes with a great price (Proverbs 29:1!)
4) John 1:13. Here, John the apostle, introduces the truth of spiritual rebirth by faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ. Later, in John 3:1-21, Jesus goes into great detail about being “born again.” What does this mean to you? Have you experienced rebirth, and if so, how did you respond? Was there any effort on your part? What was it? How would you try to describe this experience to an unbeliever?
John 3:1-4
1) Nicodemus, a highly respected Pharisee, a member of the ruling Jewish council, was actually seeking out Jesus, and not as other Jewish leaders had sought Him—not to trip Him up, but to inquire of Him! Did he ever really get a chance to tell Jesus why he had sought Him out, or to ask any questions of Him? Why do you Jesus immediately took control of this conversation?
2) Why do you suppose Nicodemus sought Jesus after it was evening? You might want to take a look at John 9:1-23, especially verses 19-23!
3) Nicodemus readily acknowledged that God had sent Jesus. He even went so far as to address Jesus as, Teacher. “Teacher” can also be translated as “Master,” a title that gives dignity to those well versed in the Jewish Scriptures and Law. This particular title is usually reserved for the most distinguished among teachers—a title denoting great respect. Keep in mind that in John 3:26, John the Baptist was also given this same title. Do you think Nicodemus had any real understanding as to Who it was he was addressing? Why or why not? (See 1 Corinthians 2:14.)
4) Nicodemus gets to make this one statement, and Jesus, totally ignoring Nicodemus’ niceties, goes straight to the heart of Nicodemus’ true need—rebirth! I imagine Nicodemus was quite, well—breathless! Reborn? Actually, since Nicodemus was a student of the Law and the books of the prophets, he should have had some understanding of how God wants to revive His people and dwell among them. Now, Jesus was explaining that God wants so much more than that! He wants to live in us (Ezekiel 37:1-14!) No mere tabernacle or temple made from stones (Exodus 25:8)—but, living breathing stones that make up His holy temple—His church (1 Peter 2:4-6!)
John 3:5-9
1) Human beings have been trying to make their own way into God’s heaven since Adam and Eve! Sacrifice and offerings won’t work (Psalms 40:6—human effort), but the Way has been provided since time began (Psalms 40:7-8—This is Jesus! “Here I am—I have come!”)
2) Jesus gives us a beautiful word picture describing the Holy Spirit—Who together with God, the Father and God, the Son makes up the God-head Trinity. First, Jesus tells us that it is Holy Spirit that gives us this new life, or rebirth. Secondly, while He is spirit and cannot be seen or touched, like the wind you definitely know when He is present because there is power and activity—tangible proof that He is moving in this world and in people’s lives! Last week we touched on several activities of the Holy Spirit—how many can you recall?
3) This is the second time Nicodemus asks Jesus, “What do you mean?” You can almost see Nicodemus’ head spinning! He’s trying so hard to grasp what Jesus is telling him. Sisters, anytime some continues to inquire about your beliefs, you are being given the wonderful opportunity to point them to Truth—to Jesus Christ!
John 3:10-15
1) Oh, you just have to go back and read Numbers 21:4-9 to have a good picture of what Jesus is telling Nicodemus in these passages. Now, considering all the murmuring and complaining going on among those Israelites, there had to be both righteous and unrighteous persons being bitten by those snakes! What mattered was that they believed what the LORD God told them and they were saved—that’s saving faith! Don’t let satan or any one else rob you of the assurance of your salvation—it doesn’t depend on your perfection, anymore than it did to the Israelites—it depends on God’s Word and His faithfulness, not yours!
2) What did Jesus mean by claiming to be the “Son of Man?”
3) Jesus is prophesying here. What is He telling Nicodemus is going to happen? (Look again at Psalms 40:6-8 and give praise to your Savior God!)
John 3:16-21
1) Perhaps the most quoted of all Scriptures! So, why did God sacrifice His only begotten Son?
2) Very much like the Israelites in the desert learned, God’s purpose is never to condemn, but to save! Who is it that needs to fear being judge (verses 18-21?)
3) As believers in Jesus Christ, we do not face eternal judgment (damnation.) Where has our judgment been placed (Isaiah 53:6-11.)
4) When did God, the Father, God, the Son and God the Holy Spirit plan this righteous, just, yet, merciful plan of salvation (Revelation 13:8?)
5) Jesus refers often in this passage to “coming to the light.” Who or what is light Revelation 21:22-23?)
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