"I tell you the truth," Jesus answered, "before Abraham was born, I am!" (John 8:58)

Behold The Man!

Then Pilate therefore took Jesus, and scourged him. And the soldiers platted a crown of thorns, and put it on his head, and they put on him a purple robe, And said, Hail, King of the Jews! and they smote him with their hands. Pilate therefore went forth again, and saith unto them, Behold, I bring him forth to you, that ye may know that I find no fault in him. Then came Jesus forth, wearing the crown of thorns, and the purple robe. And Pilate saith unto them, "Behold the man"! (John 19:1-5 KJV)

Krystal Meyers - The Beauty of Grace


Live in God’s Peace

Ephesians 2:11-13
“Therefore, remember that formerly you who are Gentiles by birth and called "uncircumcised" by those who call themselves "the circumcision" (that done in the body by the hands of men)-- remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ.” (NIV)
1) Well, as I heard one preacher say, whenever you see a “therefore”, go back and see what it is there for! If you read the beginning of this chapter, you will see that Paul is addressing Gentiles believers (those not of Jewish heritage) in the city of Ephesus, reminding them that they were saved by grace (God’s unmerited favor toward us) and not by their works. Our own efforts to save ourselves, or to humanly attempt to qualify one’s self as holy in God’s sight is referred to as “works.” Works, our self-effort, can be anything that leads us to rely on our own abilities, our own intellect, or our own pious acts of service, etc. Here, Paul was specifically addressing the outward religious “work” of circumcision. The Jews had mistakenly taken what God commanded as an act of obedience (circumcision) after receiving right standing with God through their “faith” or belief in His promise. This is exactly how we obey the command to follow Christ in baptism after our initial profession of “faith” in His redemptive work in the cross in our behalf! Neither the act of circumcision, nor the act of baptism saves us! The Jews gloried in the act, or “work” of circumcision—a “religious” ritual done by their own hands—as the outward sign of the assurance of their salvation and right standing with God. They became proud and boastful of their heritage as Jews and the work they had done in their own bodies (circumcision), rather of the almighty (again, dunamis—dynamite) power of their God to save them! Paul is telling the Gentile believers circumcision is in no able way to draw us near to God (anybody can be circumcised—even the pagan nations did it back then, and unbelievers still do it today!) In fact, once we place our spiritual confidence in what we outwardly do in our flesh, “works,” we actually alienate ourselves from God. God forbid! As we have discussed several times in class, the plan of salvation is and has always been God’s own design to bring us to Himself, and yes, oh yes, it is free—to us—but, it came at a great, great cost to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit—the great Three in One! Sisters, you were brought (redeemed back from sin) with a price! God’s “price” called for the sacrificial offering of His own Son, Jesus Christ! God’s word tells us that the wages (the just and righteous penalty) of sin is death, physical and spiritual (Romans 6:23) and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin (Hebrews 9:1!) Jesus Christ is the sacrificial Lamb of God who takes away (removes forever) the sins of the world (John 1:29!) Jesus did this by setting His face like a flint toward path of the cross, allowing unrighteous men to nail Him there, taking upon Himself our sin, allowing Himself for the first time ever (we’re talking eternity here!) to be separated from the One He loved most and the One who loved Him Most—our God (Matthew 27:46!) Then, He boldly walked straight into God’s throne room (His home anyway) and placed His own precious blood on God’s holy sacrificial altar (Hebrews 9:2-15 and 1 Peter 1:18-21!) The blood of goats, bulls and lambs and other offerings (the required sacrifices under the old covenant—the Law) were only a mere picture of what Christ would accomplish for us on the cross. The blood of animals could never remove our sin (past, present and future!) No! They were only a covering, until the time of God’s own redemption was ripe and full!
Ephesians 2:14-18
“For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace, and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.” (NIV)
1) Have you ever asked Jesus to be the God of your peace or to give you peace during a very difficult time? What was the result?
2) Now, salvation begins with the Jews (John 4:22!) They are the people God called out to be His own and they are His precious treasure (Exodus 19:1-6!)
3) This promise to the Israelites (Jews) is sealed in blood covenant with God’s friend, Abraham whom God promised to make a great nation (Genesis 12:3!) God instituted this blood covenant (the most binding of all ancient covenants) with Abraham and the surety of its benefits and promises rested totally God (Genesis 15!) I hope you noticed while reading this passage that God caused Abraham to fall into a deep sleep—totally incapacitating him from have any participation “works!” When this type of covenant was cut among men, it always required that both men walk through the pieces of sacrifice for the covenant to be legal and binding! What God was doing was cutting covenant with Himself—because there was none higher to swear by! This way, God assured Abraham that there was no chance of God’s promises to Him (and us, since we are Abraham’s spiritual seed) ever failing (Hebrews 6:13-20!) However, it is important to note that it was always God’s intent and His great heart that all nations worship Him and receive His salvation (Isaiah 49:6) God plan is that instead of having two separate plans of salvation (one for the Jew and another one for Gentile), God, through Jesus Christ, has put an end to the old covenant (Jewish law, consisting of the Ten Commandments and the rules and regulations outline in the first five books of the Bible. The law also included all the handed down oral traditions of the elders—a lot of do’s and don’ts!) Now, at the cross, God did away with the law, making both Jew and the Gentile, making both come under the “new” and better covenant of peace with God through His Son, Jesus Christ!
a) Where do we find the first mention of this new and better covenant between God and man? See Jeremiah 31:31-37—right there in the Old Testament or the “old covenant!”
b) When and Who instituted the New Covenant? See Luke 22:7-20!
i) To get a better understanding as to why Jesus is sometimes referred to as the Lamb, take a look at Exodus 3:1-10 then, on through to chapter 12! God wanted to free His people, the from the bondage of Egypt, he sent Moses as a deliver! Pharaoh’s hard was hardened by God, so God could display His power and glory throughout all Egypt, but more especially to the children of Israel! Ten plagues followed each refusal to free the captives:
(1) The waters of the Nile, all its streams, canals, ponds and reservoirs ran with blood—the people had nothing to drink! Oh, God was merciful, He gave them water, but they had to dig for it—for seven days (Exodus 8:16-25!)
(2) A mercy period of seven days before the next plague—frogs covered the entire land! Now, get this! Moses graciously offered Pharaoh the choice of picking the exact time that Moses would offer up intercession for him. What was Pharaoh’s response? How I pray each of us would have said, “Now! Please!” Sadly, so many people will wind up in hell’s burning flames because they kept waiting for “tomorrow” to repent. Sometimes, there is no tomorrow! That’s why God tells us to come to Him while it is still called Today (Psalms 95:6-9; Hebrews 3:12-14!)
(a) Notice that once there was relief from the suffering plague, Pharaoh again became hardened. Sounds like much of the news we here about today! Yes, the Gulf states were devastated, but God, in His rich mercy, only allowed minimal loss of life. How did the people in those Gulf states react which the worse of Katrina was over—just like Pharaoh! True repentance always “turns around or away ” from sin and moves forward toward God and His will! It does not slide back into the same, or worse pattern (2 Corinthians 7:10!)
(3) God sent out made dust become gnats throughout Egypt—can you imagine!
(a) We are not given a time frame as to how quickly this particular plague came upon Pharaoh and the land. Although, this time the judgment seems immediate (Exodus 8:16-19.) Watch out, sometimes it appears like we’re getting away with something—then, wham! Gnats! See Psalms 37:35-38 and remember what happens to the prospering wicked!
(b) Up unto this point, Pharaoh’s magicians (secret arts—satan—Deuteronomy 18:10-12) were able to imitate the miracles of God. How about this time? Who did they give the glory to?
(4) Yet again, we see that God graciously gave Pharaoh to consider the matter—overnight! With no sign on relenting on Pharaoh’s part, God sent flies to cover the nation, their houses, their bodies, even the very ground! If you read this passage carefully, you will notice that up unto this point it may be that the plagues had not yet “physically” touched the royal officials or even Pharaoh himself (Exodus 8:24—compare with 8:3, into the houses of your officials!) Sisters, God’s turning up the heat! This is a little too close to home for Pharaoh—right at his feet! Again, Moses prayed and God lifted this plague also. Still, Pharaoh would not relent!
(a) What significant distinction did God make to prove His glory (vs. 22-23?)
(b) Keep in mind that at this point, the Hebrews were still in Egypt! This is a lesson that we probably should take to heart. We live in a fallen and sinful world. Calamities are all around us! They most probably will at some time effect us personally, even if we are being faithful and walking in God’s mercy and grace! Just as good comes out of suffering for the Hebrew people, any disaster or suffering we are called to face in our lives will also turn out for our good (Roman 8:28!) Amen!
(c) Oh, who do you think He wanted to prove His glory to more, Pharaoh or His own children?
(5) We don’t know for sure how much time God gave Pharaoh to reconsider the whole situation, but, again, God sent a plague—this time upon all the livestock of Egypt. Can’t you just see Pharaoh’s frantically running throughout the land in awestruck disbelief! He has to check this matter for himself because he learns that, yet again, God made the unmistakable distinction between His children and the children Egypt (Exodus 9:1-7!)
(6) God must have gotten a kick about using the very dust of that vile land against its own godless people—it makes me just crackup! The magicians are again at a loss, because they are useless in this situation since they covered with boils themselves! I think God wanted those magicians to take this one personally!
(7) Pharaoh is again given the night to think things over. Then, that next morning, God sent hailstorms with fire! Thunder! Lightning! Such as have never before been seen (Exodus 9:13-25!)
(a) Note carefully that God tells Pharaoh that by now He should have already wiped him and his people off the face of the earth! Oh, God has had this thought before (Genesis 6:5-7!) What two reasons does God give for doing such a thing? Do you see this in operation here?
(b) Now, we know God’s anger is kindled against Pharaoh, but how does verses 18-19 tell us God showed great mercy to Pharaoh’s people?
(c) What does very 20 tell us the Egyptians (by this time even Pharaoh’s officials were convinced!) did in response to God’s revelation?
(i) Did all heed God’s word (vs. 21?)
(ii) Don’t miss this! Heed God’s warnings to the dangers and pitfalls of rebellion and sin! The Egyptians believed, obeyed and oh, they found a hiding place In God’s mercy! (Psalms 32:6-7!) We can learn much from this lesson, even in plague and famine, it is always an act of God’s great mercy to offer salvation (Isaiah 46:12-13!) Believe and be saved (Acts 16:30-31!) Glory!
(iii) God again shows His favor towards the Israelites—the hail never even fell on the portion of Egypt where the Israelites were dwelling, Goshen (vs.27!) Please, please read Psalms 91:5-10! Let God be your Refuge!
(iv) Well, we don’t find this out until we come to the very end of this plague—but, God acted righteously for the sake of the people of Egypt! What was spared and why (vs. 31-32!) How good is God?
(8) Locusts—everything was black, covered completely by them (Exodus 10:. I can’t remember the name of the movie, way before most of you girls time, but there was this scene where locusts came on these poor people struggling to survive out west in the prairies (I think) and destroy everything in their path! The sound was horrible, terrifying! Oh, and the destruction they left behind! Oh, this plague had to be horrifying in nature and impact on the people! Still Pharaoh would not let God’s people go!
(a) Things are pretty bad when those who are for you suddenly turn against you! What does Exodus 10:7 tell us Pharaoh’s “officials” saw that Pharaoh did not?
(b) Okay, what was finally wiped out according to vs. 15?
(9) Darkness—over all Egypt (Exodus 10:22-29!)
(a) Imagine the horror this was for the children! How could their parents comfort them—they could not even rise for 3 days!

Don’t fail to see the progression of each plague bringing a more severe consequence! Now you might want to argue with me about the gnats, but have you ever been bitten and tortured by just a few. Imagine, them covering you and the land around you! Oh, don’t get the idea that these plagues were just troublesome. No! The misery they brought was such has never before been seen! But, also, notice the repeated instances of God’s mercy after and prior to each plague! The plagues got worse to invite and bring Pharaoh to repentance, He knew he would not! Oh, he was going to relent, but never quite reach true repentance! Listen to Pharaoh’s words:
1. I will let the people go and they can sacrifice (Genesis 8:8!)
a. At this point, we know that Pharaoh’s magicians were imitating the miraculous acts of God. Perhaps, this is one of the reasons behind Pharaoh’s refusing to let the Israelites go, but, the rest of the times, he is without even this lame excuse because hereafter, God and God alone, was the One creating true wonders!
2. They people can stay in the land (Egypt) and sacrifice (Genesis 8:25!)
3. They can go as far as the desert (Genesis 8:28!)
4. Now it gets serious—I have sinned, the Lord was righteous, I will let you go (Genesis 9:27!)
5. Only your men can go (Genesis 10:8!)
6. I have sinned, forgive me—at once! Finally, even Pharaoh sees nothing but death! (Genesis 10:16!)
7. Go, but leave your flocks and herds (Genesis 10:24!)

Dear one, this is a example of satan’s schemes, tactics and lies to us when we are in our own Egypt, our own place of bondage—SIN (Romans 6:16-18!)
a. He will always lie to us insisting and encouraging us to settle in a place that, while it may be comfortable to us, it is not the place that God is calling us to (stay in the land (Genesis 8:25!)
b. Oh, yes, go with God, but don’t go all the way with Him and became like some religious fanatic (Genesis 8:28!)
c. Yes, and it is satan that says, okay give up this little area of sin that is separating you from God, but don’t think about giving up the sin you most love (Genesis 10:8!)
d. Well, okay, give up that big sin, but you know, those little white lies, and needless spending—oh, that’s nothing, God doesn’t care about those little things. Just hold on to those (Genesis 10:24!)
God’s heart for you is for so much more—He wants every part, every sin! Don’t listen to satan’s lies—Go all the way, press forward until you reach your promise land!
(b) I want to stop here and just comment on the fact that God would raise up a man with purposed intent, knowing that he would rebel and be hardened against the One who created him (Exodus 9:12-16.) This is a difficult concept to understand because we are NOT God! We do not, and even more, we cannot understand His ways (Isaiah 55:8-9!) HE IS GOD! There is much to discuss on this, perhaps in another lesson. Just know that God is in His heaven and He does what He pleases ( Psalms 115:3!) He will have mercy on whom He will have mercy (Romans 9:14-26!) Oh, I pray that each and every of us is one of His “vessels of mercy!”
(10) What was God’s final judgment (Exodus 11:5-7?)
(11) What grace did God provide the Israelites (Exodus 12:1-13?)
(a) Describe the type of animal each house was to sacrifice and eat?
(b) What were they supposed to do with the blood of the animal sacrifice?
(c) Take special note of the description of how the blood was to be place, top and both sides! Remind you of something—like a cross?
(d) What would have happened if they had left their places safely, there behind the doorposts?
(e) What happened to the Egyptians? How do you explain this (Exodus 10:28-29!) Oh, the riches of God’s rich mercy and grace! Every other time God sent a plague, He also gave Pharaoh the opportunity to repent and let His people go! This time, at Pharaoh’s own word, Moses never again appeared before him! So, he didn’t know the extent of the devastation that was about to come upon him and his people—God gave no further warning! The LORD spoke only to Moses, and Moses to God’s people! What I want to impress upon you is this—true repentance, as we discussed earlier always leads to godly sorrow! Yes, it appears that with his words, Pharaoh offered up repentance, even to acknowledging that God was righteous and that he, Pharaoh had sinned (Genesis 8:8; 9:27; 10:16!) But, what did we learn that true repentance brings—righteousness! Instead of righteousness at the evidences of God’s grace and mercy, Pharaoh further hardened his heart! These were just mere words!
c) A little side bar, picture the lay of the land at this point. Egypt was rotting! The land was stripped, the dead remains were decomposing! Oh, the stench! This is how SIN looks and smells to our holy God! Read Romans 6:20-23 and then read John 11:39! Use your imaginations here. We’ve learned that sin results in death. What does John 11:39 say naturally happens as the result of death? See the comparison?
d) Oh, beloved! There is more in these Scriptures than you can imagine and I don’t want you to miss it! We are being given by God one of the most beautiful snapshots of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and God’s own sovereign plan of salvation through the sacrifice of His Son! Jesus is the Lamb, without spot or blemish. It is His blood that covers, not your house, but the thing most dear and precious in this whole world to you, your soul. Even better, the blood of Christ cleans your sins, removing them away as far as the east is to the west! God’s wrath and judgment for your hardened heart of sin “passes over” you because God’s sees His own Son’s precious blood! Oh, be covered in it sons and daughters of Israel! Please, don’t go outside the Door (John 10:7 KJV!)
e) Oh, I have to warn you, you can’t just stand on the threshold of the Door, either! Go all the way in, girls (Zephaniah 1:9!) Oh, don’t just peer into God’s grace, take a swan dive!

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